Cumberland - Robert Wigram Interest
Historic Shipping - facts, pictures, presentations on ships from yesteryear; Robert Wigram, Family and Associates - Shipbuilders and Ship Owners Money Wigram & Company - Shipbuilders and Ship Owners The Plymouth Emigration Depot Plymouth Hulks - the forgotten ships around Plymouth Sound, The General Screw Steam Shipping Co. Ltd. The African Steam Ship Company


Built by:Dudman's Yard, Deptford.
Yard No.
Launched:11th November 1802
Built of:
Built for:William Borradaile.
Other info:Armament 36 guns. 130 crew.
History:21st May 1801 Thomas Wilkinson accepted the Tender of £16 · 19s per ton.
30th Jan 1803. Sailed from the Downs for the Cape, Coast and China.
15th Feb 1804. In the China Seas, when the East India Company's homeward bound China fleet, under Commodore Dance, beat off the French squadron, under Admiral Linois, which had come out with the intention of capturing or destroying it at a single blow the whole of the valuable fleet.
14th August 1804. Arrived back at London.
25th April 1805. Sailed for China.
7th Sept 1806. Arrived back in London.
26th Feb 1807. Sailed for the Coast and China.
30th June 1808. Arrived back in London.
24th Feb 1809. Sailed for Bombay and China.
2nd Aug 1810. Arrived back in London.
Robert Wigram held 1/48 share from June 1810 to 1820.
23rd June 1814. Arrived at Medeira.

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